Saturday, February 14, 2009

On Valentine's Day

I used to hate Valentine's Day.

It wasn't that I had anything against the saint the day is named after. Nor was it that I had anything against romance. Truth be told, I am a very romantic person. (Or perhaps I should say, "I am a very Romantic person".) It was just that I hated the idea of mandatory romance, as if people had to be told to be romantic.

And then something happened.

I grew up.

I started looking beyond myself, and one of the things I have noticed is how little romance some people have in their lives. I still don't think I need corporations and mass media organizations to remind me to throw a little romance into my life, but I suppose some people do. For some people, Valentine's Day may be the one day in the year when they enjoy a little romance.

The way I see it now, that's a damned good reason for having Valentine's Day. In fact, I wonder if we should maybe have a Valentine's Day every three months.

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