Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Focusing on Other Things

I have been a bit remiss in updating this blog over the past few days. In part, this is due to a long weekend (Civic Holiday); in part, this is because I got a new camera.

Originally, I was not terribly happy with the concept of digital photography. I am not sure why -- it is not as if I processed my own film. Perhaps it was just the romance of film. More likely, it was a deeply ingrained strain of Ludditism rearing its ugly head.

In any event, last week, I joined the rest of the world and purchased a digital SLR camera. This is not my first foray into digital. I have been using a digital video camera for a couple of years and have used that for taking photographs. However, the new camera will likely replace my 35mm film camera (at least for the near future).