Sunday, October 28, 2007

It's A Secret

I am reading a book by John Lawrence Reynolds called Shadow People -- Inside History's Most Notorious Secret Societies. It is an examination of a variety of so-called secret societies and their place in history.

The organizations profiled are a very diverse lot. There are the usual suspects: the Knights Templar, the Free Masons, and the Illuminati. There are the criminal: Chinese triads, the mafia, and the yakuza. There are the religious: the Gnostics, the Druids, Kabbalah, and Wicca. There are also secret societies of current notoriety: the Priory of Sion and the Skull and Bones. What all of these organizations have in common is that they are reputed to have great influence and people speculate about their secrets.

Of course, my secret society is not profiled, but that is because it is so secret that nobody knows about it but me. I can only hope things stay that way, or else I will be forced to come up with a detailed pseudo-history involving the Crusades, 1st Century Christianity, at least one royal family, and possibly ancient Egypt and quite frankly I don't have the time for that right now.

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