Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Great Right-Wing Media Elite Conspiracy of '09

I am getting tired of the consistent right-wing stance of the Canadian media. Everyone -- including that bastion of left-wing liberalism, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -- seems to be taking the side of York University in the strike which has gone on for three months.

You don't believe me? Consider this -- the media outlets have not been afraid to inform the public that the CUPE union members rejected the University's offer of a 10.7% increase over three years. Nor have they been loath to report that the union is holding out for a 15.8% increase over two years. Taken together, these statements make the union seem pretty darned greedy.

Obviously, the right-wing media elite has conspired to keep the public unaware of all the additional work and value-added services that the union must be offering to justify their expectations. After all, they couldn't possibly expect a raise of 15.8% to provide the same levels of work, could they?

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