Monday, October 23, 2006

A Mouse's Eye View of the World

If you read this blog regularly, you know I recently bought a new digital camera. What you may not know is that it has changed the way I see things.

Take this picture, for example. The local Weston Produce grocery store has fall items for sale, including pumpkins and bales of hay. In the past, I would have noticed the bales of hay and thought back upon a childhood where hay bales were not just a seasonal accoutrement.

When I saw the bales last week, I immediately wondered what it would look like "on film", and once I brought my camera to the store, I began to look at the bale of hay as if it were an environment on its own. I may not know exactly how a mouse sees the world, but I think that, at least part of the time, it looks like this.

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