Monday, January 29, 2007

Winter Wonderland

You may have noticed that I have not mentioned the weather much lately. That is because we finally got our normal seasonal weather a couple of weeks back. In fact, the weatherman on the six o'clock news says that temperatures are expected to be a bit below seasonal for the rest of the week.

It has snowed since the mid-afternoon. I went out to take some photographs just after five o'clock. The sun had not set yet, so I was able to photograph this bird's nest.

I'll bet you that the fellow who rode this bike to the bus stop did not expect it to snow so much.

The snow has slowed down traffic a bit, but there is still a steady stream of red tail lights heading down Yonge Street.

Even though there is a lot of snow falling, this is not a nasty storm. There are not bitter winds and the precipitation is dry rather than slushy. The result is light and fluffy snow.

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