Thursday, September 20, 2007

A History of Hamburgers

A team of construction workers is busy renovating a restaurant at the strip mall across from my apartment building. Although I am not exactly the kind of guy who gets his thrills watching construction sites, I am finding the renovations an interesting exercise in social archeology.

Up until just recently, the location was home to a Licks restaurant. For those of you outside of the Greater Toronto Area, Licks is a restaurant burgers and ice cream chain whose specialty is the "homeburger". Personally, I never cared much for eating at Licks -- if I wanted a burger that tasted like it was home cooked I would cook one at home -- but some people like it.

Prior to Licks moving into the location, it held a franchise of the Harveys hamburger chain. I discovered that when the outline of the Harveys sign appeared as the bright yellow of the Licks sign came down.

Interestingly enough, the South Street Burger Co. is destined to be the next burger joint to inhabit that particular piece of real estate. SSBC is a division of the New York Fries organization, so I suppose that the fries will be better than they were when it was a Licks franchise. All the same, I wonder if the third time will be the charm.

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