Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Silence is Red Hot

I have not updated this blog much lately. You might think it is because I have nothing to say. The reality is that I just cannot find a way to talk about things calmly. It seems every time I turn on the news or pick up a paper, there is one more thing to get angry about.

I've tried blogging lately -- I really have -- but every time I start, I erase what I've written. This is just a glimpse of the topics that I have not had the heart to blog about:
  • the murder of Aqsa Parvez and a society (Canada) that is so afraid of being culturally insensitive that every fucking comment is couched in phrases designed to soften the blow, as if people who condemn the heinous act are condemning Islam;
  • the major league baseball steroid scandal and the decline of the only sport that I truly enjoy watching in person;
  • the total fucking hypocrisy of the two-faced sons-of-bitches in the Conservative Party and their idiotic, myopic, short-sighted, totally-fucking-out-of-their-heads-insane position on climate change and how they ought to be ashamed for the role they played at sabotaging international discussions at Bali and, earlier, at the Commonwealth meeting;
  • how sick and tired I am that Steve Harper constantly announces initiatives like he did in Tanzania recently without actually adding any additional money to the budget, and how he reduced the GST (the only fucking tax that the wealthy in this country can't weasel their way out of paying) instead of using the money to improve the infrastructure of Canadian cities;
  • how totally fucked this country is politically because neither Stephane "Deer in the Headlights" Dion nor Jack "70s Porn Star Moustache" Layton have a snowball's hope in hell of ever being anything other than a footnote in Canadian political history, thereby giving the Weasel King Harper a free reign to continue to ride roughshod over the very things that made this country worth living in;
  • the entire Robert Willie Pickton case and how long he was able to continue preying on women because nobody gave enough of a damn to look into their disappearances;
  • Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Amy Winehouse, and any other celebrities who are in the news for anything other than their professional performances;
Wow, I just swore more in this post than I have in the past two weeks, but I can't help it. I feel as if the entire world is out of whack and I don't know what to do to restore balance.

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