Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summertime, and the Living is Hectic

When I was a child, summer seemed to stretch forever.

The season was an endless round of baseball games, fishing expeditions to the local creek, lawn mowing, and outdoor games. Every July saw us pack in the Oldsmobile, hook up the tent trailer, and meander around Saskatchewan on the way to my grandmother's house. Days were long, nights were short, and life was good.

I hesitate to label myself as a nerd, but by the end of the summer, I was ready to return to school.

Yesterday was the first day of summer, but it feels different than the summers of my youth. My calendar is already booked for the first half of July and I am anxiously trying to find time for appointments in August. The days seem shorter, not longer, and I am wistful for a life where returning to school is something to look forward to.