Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hot, Hot, Hot

It has always struck me as odd that many government officials and scientists in the United States fought vigourously against the notion of global warming. As someone who walks a lot, I can tell you that summers have definitely been getting warmer in Ontario. Judging by the news, it is the same story throughout the world.

Take London, for example. Most of the news sites I check out had a story this week about London being potentially hotter than Bangkok. I don't know about you, but I have always imagined South East Asia in summer as a hot climate. Not, perhaps, as hot as summer in Kandahar, but hot nonetheless.

As another example, take the Canadian north. The icebergs are melting at unprecedented rates. The permafrost is no longer permanently frozen in some areas. Insects and birds that used to range further to the south are making their way north. All of this points to global warming.

The frightening thing is that nobody seems to have the will to act on the issue. We still drive our cars rather than walking. We still don't reduce, re-use, or recycle as much as we could. We still eat fruits and vegetables imported from overseas rather than eating locally grown produce. We still run our air conditioners and dish washers and other appliances when there are alternatives.

I don't know what it is going to take to address the issue. I just hope that someone does address it before it is too late.