Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Empire Strikes Back

As I suspected, it did not take the United States very long to respond to Russian President Putin's comments about American foreign policy. Today, the same Robert Gates who declined to comment yesterday is quoted as saying "one cold war was quite enough". Another government spokesman stated, "We are surprised and disappointed with President Putin's comments. His accusations are wrong."

The problem, unfortunately, is that Putin was right -- the United States has flouted international laws except in those cases where it served their purposes to observe the laws. That is why the United States, for the first time in history, appears poised on the brink of creating an anti-American coalition of Frace, Germany, Russia, and China (not to mention the middle east and the United Kingdom, if Westminister actually expressed the popular will of the people).

I keep hoping that the United States will wake up and return to its idealistic, republican roots but I fear it won't. More than likely, it will continue to act in a Wilsonian imperialist way, even though the only people fooled by such an approach are the Americans themselves.

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