Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Battle Continues

Well, in the battle between me and Kiswahili, the language is still winning. My pronunciation is okay when I ready things slowly, but I suspect that when I do I sound like a developmentally challenged 3 year old to native Kiswahili speakers. I definitely sound that way when I attempt to speak it. On the other hand, I have been recognizing words and select phrases and I do know how to count and I can say "yes" (ndiyo), "no" (hapana), "I don't understand" (mimi si elewi), and "slowly" (pole pole) as in "say it again slowly, I am a really slow mzungo (white guy)".

I actually got into the city today in an attempt to find a cell phone. At least that battle was successful and I am now wired to the rest of the world. Cell phones are ubiquitous out here and rates are, surprisingly, better than back home, at least for texting.

Tomorrow I am going north to Arusha with some of the other volunteers for a 3 day safari. The ride to the bus leaves at 8:00 AM "English time" as Marley likes to say, which means that we will actually be leaving at 8 o'clock rather than one of the other more creative times.

1 comment:

Joe Mahoney said...

What a great adventure! Keep the posts coming... I want to read all about it. The more details the better!

Best of luck to you down there!
