Monday, November 12, 2007

New Job, New Perspective

I started a new job three weeks ago. Unlike my previous job, this job is deep in the heart of downtown Toronto. In other words, my ten minute walk to work has been replaced with a commute that is at least 90 minutes. Each way.

Some people might not think I made the right decision taking a job in the city. For a lot of people, the dream is to move out of the suburbs and find a good-paying job close to home. I guess I'm not like most people, though, because I have been dying to move back into the city for years.

I like the hustle and bustle of the city. I like the feel of downtown Toronto. I like the interesting mix of people I see every day. I like taking public transit. I even like being part of the crowd that waits on the subway platform during rush hour.

There is a beauty that is unique to cities. You walk down a street and look up, only to find yourself in a canyon of sky scrapers. You turn a corner and find yourself in a sea of people. You emerge from the subway station and hear the sound of street musicians playing salsa music on the corner.

It is early days still, but I am happy with my decision.

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