Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Poem: The Properties of Matter

The Properties of Matter

Class, can you tell me,
What is matter?
"Matter is an object,
Any object,
That occupies space
And possesses mass."
Mass, you say?
So matter is Catholic
Like us?
I'll see you after class, Rosetta.
Yes, Mwalimu.
Class, can you tell me,
What are the states
That matter takes?
"Solid state."
"Liquid state."
"Gaseous state."
But Teacher,
We learned this in chemistry.
I thought this was physics.
I'll see you after class, Rosetta.
Yes, Mwalimu.
Class, can you tell me,
In what state of matter
Do objects possess
A definite shape?
In what state of matter
Do objects possess
A definite shape?
"Solid, Teacher."
Class, can you tell me,
In what state of matter
Do objects possess
Weak forces of attraction?
In what state of matter
Do objects possess
Weak forces of attraction?
"Gaseous, Teacher."
Class, can you tell me,
In what state of matter
Are molecules
Very free
To move around
Randomly in any direction.
"Gaseous, Teacher."
Sometimes I wish
That I were a gas.
I'll see you after class, Rosetta.
Yes, Malimu.

(c) J S Phillips

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