Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Of Tears and Flying Cats

I know I have bitched about the quality of television in past postings, but I have to admit that sometimes it is a very powerful, worthwhile medium. I finished watching a documentary called After Maeve on TVO (Television Ontario, the provincially funded public broadcaster).

At the risk of over-simplifying, the documentary was about how two parents dealt with the death of their ten year old daughter. Maeve, the daughter, was a lively child who created a rich imaginary world called Planet Creature, a world that she and her friends played in. In addition to a city of cats called Bumbletown, Planet Creature is home to a flying cat ambulance brigade, a hospital for terminally ill ants, and leaves used to transport creatures from one place to another.

You may noticed that I said Planet Creature "is" home and not "was" home to the ambulance brigade. That is because Planet Creature lives on, in the memories of Maeve's friends and family -- and also on the Internet. I really don't have the words to describe this world, but you can see it for yourself at It is definitely worth checking out.

Also worth checking out is the documentary itself. If you ever see After Maeve in your local television listings, make a point of watching it. You might spent a lot of time with tears in your eyes -- trust me, it happens -- but you will also be taken to a very magical world inhabited by a very magical young lady.

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