Thursday, August 16, 2007

Church of the Living King

The news reports have been filled with stories about Elvis Presley. He died thirty years ago, yet his star continues to shine big and bright. He has legions of fans. He continues to sell records and memorabilia, making him one of the top earning dead celebrities ever. He has thousands of imitators and "tribute artists", including a minister in my community who goes by the stage name of "Elvis Priestly". The latter is particularly apt, I think, because the love expressed by many of the fans interviewed on the news reports verges on a religious devotion to the life, times, music, and films of the King.

I sometimes find the whole Elvis phenomenon confusing. I guess I just don't have that visceral, deep-in-the-gut appreciation for the King's body of work that his die hard fans have. Maybe that is because I prefer singer/songwriters to singers who interpret other people's works. Maybe it is because I prefer good actors. Maybe it is because I am too young or, at least, too post-1950s in my ways . Maybe it is just that my soul is not tuned to the mystical attachment that true believers have with the King. In any event, you won't find me participating in ceremonies at the Church of the Living King.

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