Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All the News That Ain't Really News

I think I am going to quit watching the news.

One of the big stories in last evening's news was the story that Tara Conner, the reigning Miss USA, has been given a second chance by ubiquitous ham Donald Trump. The lovely Ms. Conner, or so it has been claimed, had sullied her title by drinking whilst under age, doing drugs, and making out with Miss Teen USA. This behaviour clearly violated the high standards that the American public expects its beauty queens to uphold.

To be honest, I don't know which was more disconcerting -- the fact that the potential firing of a beauty queen was considered news or the fact that the potential firing of an American beauty queen was considered news on a Canadian network. Given the truly important issues facing Canadians -- Afghanistan, globalization, and the environment spring immediately to mind -- I find it hard to believe that anyone cares if Miss USA was seen kissing Miss Teen USA.

You know, sometimes I feel as if I am watching the decline and fall of my civilization, but at least I can rest assured that the news media will help keep beauty pageant winners accountable to the general public.

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