Friday, March 09, 2007

The High Price of Romance

I was in a grocery store earlier today. As I stood in line, my eyes happened upon bunches of flowers in a bucket near the checkout stand. The store was selling the flowers, which according to the stickers on the cellophane were products of Columbia, could be purchased for $3.99 per bunch or 3 for $9.99.

Now don't get me wrong -- I have nothing against a bit of romance. It is nice to bring home your sweetheart flowers once in a while. It is also nice to take sick or lonely friends bouquets to cheer them up. I have to wonder, though, how big of an environmental footprint these flowers bring.

I don't just mean the power and nutrients used to consume them, or the missed opportunities to grow nourishing crops. I imagine the flowers are not grown right next to the airport, so there is likely some sort of transportation involved, and of course one has to also include the cost of flying the flowers from Columbia to Ontario.

When you look at it that way, those cheap flowers do not seem like such a deal.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on now....don't be so cheap...

J S Phillips said...

Guilty as charged! :o)