Monday, March 12, 2007

My Readers Write (or Comment at Least): The Story Teller

I was talking to a regular reader of this blog the other day. She told me that she liked the photographs and much of the content, but she found my description of myself as a "story-teller" a bit sad.

I didn't really know how to take that. I have always used stories to teach and motivate and manage people. It's part of who I am. In fact, I identified so strongly with this aspect of my personality that I used the unofficial title "chief story teller" in place of my actual title (which is of little consequence and therefore of no importance to the plot of this posting).

When I asked her to explain she did. When she saw "story teller" she pictured a man in a long black coat who comes into town, tells stories to a gathering of people, and then leaves town again. She said that "story teller" suggested to her a person who is on the edges of the group, but not really part of the group.

She may be on to something. If she is, therein lies a tale. If she isn't, at least I've had something to think about.

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