Friday, April 20, 2007

Dirty Old Town

I've been doing a lot of walking lately, and it's clear that there is either a serious lack of garbage cans along major pedestrian routes in Newmarket or else people just don't give a damn.
Now, I understand that it is a pain in the neck to carry your empty fast food containers around until you finally do come across a garbage bin, but it is certainly not that much of an inconvenience. And anyhow, the only time I actually see anyone walking is when school gets out. I can hope that the copious volume of rubbish is not solely the work of misguided youths.
I keep seeing in the news that the environment has replaced national health care as the cause du jour. I don't see it, at least not on the grass that lines Yonge Street. Come on Newmarket -- I dare you to prove me wrong!

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