Sunday, July 22, 2007

Enough With the "Muggles", Already!

Am I the only person in the world who could not give a toss about the latest and last book in the Harry Potter series?

I understand that the series is the best-selling series in the history of printing and I recognize that the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is an event of cultural significance, but that is no excuse for the idiotic babble of newscasters who refer to "muggles"in every single newscast in their desparate attempt to be cute and funny.

By all means, report on the record sales of the book. By all means, report on how people lined up for hours and even days in order to purchase the book. By all means, even report on how the readers are taking this dark finale to the series. But please, my friends in the Fourth Estate, enough with the "muggles", already!

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