Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Secret Life As A Tekkie

For someone with an ideological bent towards Ludditism, I spend a lot of my time dealing with technology. You already know my bent towards harnessing the Internet to communicate via blog. I am an avid email and SMS text message user. I love my digital camera, video camera, and digital recorder. I write a tremendous amount on my computer. (On second thought, perhaps i am not a Luddite; perhaps I am merely an automobilophobe.)

Today I find myself in Dar Es Salaam at the orphanage's administrative offices, working away on the website redesign project. As was the case with the databases, my particular skill is not in coding and designing the layout, but rather in creating content. However, I have discovered that necessity is a good motivator for learning new skills. Happily, I will not have to actually do the hard lifting -- the layout and page design and linking of pages -- but I do get to learn more about website design.

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